Mai-HiME Wiki

For the Mai-Otome counterpart, see Mashiro Blan de Windbloom.

Mashiro Kazahana (風花真白 Kazahana Mashiro) is a character in the Mai-HiME and Mai-Otome series.


Mashiro is depicted as a small girl with lavender hair portraying a leadership role as the chairwoman of Fuka Academy (My-Otome as the princess of Windbloom) with a dedicated maid. In both anime, she has been encased in a crystal. In the later parts of My-HiME, her body was shown to be in a crystal. In My-Otome Zwei, after Fumi (Yuna, to be more appropriate) took in Mashiro, Mashiro was encased in a crystal.

Mai-HiME anime[]

Mashiro is shown as a young girl of around 11 years old, confined to a wheelchair, in which she is always escorted around by her maid, Fumi Himeno. She also has some strange connection to Nagi Homura, who ostensibly appears as a student at the Academy.

Mashiro first appears during Episode 2 in the flower garden with Fumi when Mai Tokiha passes by and asks them as to where Mikoto Minagi scampered off to. Mashiro and Mai formally meet in episode 3, when Mashiro discloses to her Mai she is assembling the HiMEs at Fuuka for the purpose of defeating Orphans.

Beginning in Episode 8, it becomes apparent that Mashiro is hiding something from the HiMEs, while feeling guilty for endangering them for her own plans. In Episode 12, she requests for aid in search for a vampire-like Orphan which had attacked Kiyone Nonomiya and Aoi Senoh, which reveals that Yukino Kikukawa is a HiME.

In Episode 14, Mashiro confronts Alyssa Searrs, who calls her the "Queen of Hell." After their talk Mashiro's body opens to reveal an Orphan, which is defeated by Miyu Greer and the body is shown to be a doll used as a decoy.

Mashiro meets with the heads of the First District in episode 17, then returns to Fuka Academy in the following episode and is confronted by Midori Sugiura, with the information that the real Mashiro Kazahana died in an excavation accident. Midori threatens Mashiro but she is blocked by Fumi, who is revealed to be a HiME herself.

In episode 21, Mashiro gives Midori the key to the room where Miyu is recovering. Mashiro and her maid then went to face the Obsidian Lord, Reito Kanzaki, who calls her the Crystal Princess. It is revealed that Mashiro was somehow involved in the previous HiME carnival and that she once had feelings for the Obsidian Lord. She called him 'Onii-sama', suggesting that she was close to the Obsidian Lord, or related to him. Before she transforms into her Child form, Reito asked Mikoto, 'You would do anything for me, won't you, my little sister?', prompting a shocked reaction from Mashiro, who seems to suggest that he has been the brother of a HiME before (although not necessarily hers) by controlling time and/or reality. This way, he would not have to die at the hands of a HiME. However, as the winner of the HiME Carnival is entitled to marry the Obsidian Lord, it makes more sense to assume that Mashiro had feelings for him in the past, and merely referred to him as a brother affectionately, as Shiho does with Yuuichi. Mashiro then transforms into Fumi's Child, Suishou. Their attack ends in defeat and Mashiro's doll body is hung above the Obsidian Lord's throne.

Suishou (True Form).png|thumb]]Mashiro's true body is revealed in episode 25, encased in a crystal star. She is also further revealed to be the winner of the previous HiME carnival as well as the former user of Kagutsuchi, Mai's Child. In the final episode, Miyu's anti-materializer frees Mashiro, and she floats up to the Crystal Shrine. She revives the fallen HiME, resurrecting them and their loved ones, and restoring their HiME powers. In the ending credits, Nagi and Mashiro (still in a wheelchair) enter the large doors at the far end of the library.

Child Abilities[]

Suishou.png|thumb]] It was eventually revealed she is actually Fumi Himeno's child called Suishouhime (meaning Crystal Princess). In episode 21, Mashiro displays two abilities: the ability to create a soundproof barrier, and the ability to transform into or control a Child. As Fumi's Child, Suishou, she radically changes appearance and wields a double-sided blade, and bears Kagutsuchi's crest of three tomoe on her robe. In her true body in episode 26, she is able to appear in spirit form to revive multiple deceased, and restore the powers of fallen HiME.



  • Her story in My-HiME draws from the legend of Izanami.
  • Presumably by Fumi's death scythe, it is theorised that Suishohime is based on Hades, the greek god of underworld. A word about Fumi's name probably comes from “hifumi norito”, a prayer that leads the spirit to heavenly peace. But since “hi” is missing, it’s probably going to stop at rest, not making its way to peace. This explains how Mashiro's soul was preserved for over 300 years. Mashiro, as Reito called her the queen of hell, would be put in the position of Izanami, who carries the nature of death in her character.